By Bright Shitemi

The annual Kakamega Forest marathon (ingo marathon) is here with us, taking place on the 26th of November 2016.

The 2015 edition was successful with athletes from all over Kenya and even entries from abroad coming to compete. Being an initiative to sensitize people about saving the forest it was very symbolic seeing the marathon route snake through the dense forest.

The event was able to awaken an otherwise sleepy village as villagers thronged the starting and finish lines with some even participating. It surely offered them a glimpse of how the bigger world values the resource and hopefully had an impact on how they relate to it.

At the finish line was the marathon ‘village’ which was set up beautifully with high peak tents and a dome tent. Dignitaries led by the Cabinet Secretary for Environment Prof. Judy Wakhungu and Cabinet Secretary for Water Hon. Eugene Wamalwa, Senators Dr. Boni Khalwale and Beatrice Elachi and Hon. Silverse Lisamula Anami among others, would make their speeches and award winners here.

The marathon village was a buzz of activities with caterers serving dishes, isukuti dancers tirelessly roaming the field and athletes who just finished running having a cool down in the medical tent.

After the activities of the day and the dust had settled the village and visitors would show up to a one of a kind Mulembe night at the dome. Those who wanted to sleep had a camping site where they could retire but most did not The allure of local music and band performance kept almost everyone up to the wee hours of the next morning. What an event! What an experience! This time we do again bigger and better all for Kakamega Forest. Sayonara!