The Kakamega Forest Heritage Foundation in conjunction with the Nairobi Hospital will host a general (children and adults) medical camp as part of the activities in the run up to the Ingo Marathon.

Confirming the camp, the CEO of the foundation George Murila said they have settled on the 15th of October at the Lugala Educational Complex in Shinyalu Constituency, Kakamega County.

Ingo Marathon is set for the 26th November 2016 and this camp will go a long way in contributing towards the welfare of the people of Kakamega, especially Shinyalu Constituency.

The Kakamega Forest Heritage Foundation holds various activities throughout the year meant on empowering and supporting the local community.

Ingo Marathon which is the last of the set of activities is held last towards the end of the year. The premier marathon was held last year and this year marks the second event for many to come as it will be held annually.

The CEO encouraged Kenyans from all walks of life to register for the Ingo Marathon and participate to help in conserving the only Guinea Congolian lowland rain forest in the country. Proceeds from the marathon go towards a conservation fund and an empowerment fund.

In addition, the CEO was also grateful for the support and partnership from the Nairobi Hospital towards the health and wellness of the people of Shinyalu.